Welcome to Locust Point

…an idyllic, peaceful place to live and work—aside from the occasional murder.

This series started out a few years ago when my mother had cataract surgery and we joked that the “floaters” she saw were actually ghosts. That was when I put together the framework for a series of mysteries with a similarly newly-sensitive heroine—a heroine who was 60 and a recent widow, trying to rebuild her life after her husband’s death. I’ve been publishing gritty contemporary urban fantasy since 2012 under the name Debra Dunbar, but this traditional cozy mystery series was a complete 180 from my other books, so I put it on the back burner to simmer while I wrote my other novels.

Then last year Mom was diagnosed with a very aggressive lung cancer. With her treatments and a compromised immune system, she fell back on the hobbies she could enjoy from her comfy spot on the sofa—crocheting, watching old movies, and reading mysteries.  The idea for the Locust Point Series returned to the forefront as we talked about the characters and the various plots. Knowing the need for a separate branding for these novels, Mom helped me come up with the pen name Libby Howard. Libby was her mother’s nickname (Elizabeth) and Howard is my father’s middle name. I started work on the series in earnest, discussing all the details with Mom along the way. She was so excited for these books. I only wish she would have lived to see them published. Mom passed away in March of this year, three months before the release of book 1, The Tell-All. I know she would have loved them, and hope that you do too!

I’ll be release the first five books in 2017—The Tell-All, Junkyard Man, Antique Secrets, Hometown Hero, and A Literary Scandal. There will be three more coming in 2018—Root of All Evil, The Last Supper, and A Grave Situation. If you love small-town, cozy mysteries, then you’ll love this series, so pick up The Tell-All today and start reading!


  1. I absolutely love this series! I found the first one free on BookBub and within a week have purchased the next 2. I will soon be buying the 4th & 5th of the series and awaiting the new ones for 2018. Thank you for writing such a lovely series of books!

  2. Love your writing ✍ style!

  3. Hello!! I’m so curious as to when Fire And Ice will be released…..Thanks! I love this series!

  4. Author

    Fire and Ice is on the schedule for late January, early February. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the books!

  5. Thank you for the great stories. I’m sorry you lost your Mom. Sounds like you had one of the great ones.

  6. Author

    I’m glad you’re enjoying the series.

  7. I love your main character and the Judge. Read the first chapter of book one and was hooked. Working my way through the next 8 books. Keep up the good work. Your mom would be very proud!!!!.

  8. Author

    Thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series.

  9. I love your books. I couldn’t wait after reading book one to get the next one and have just finished book 10. I am anxiously waiting for book 11 to come out.
    The characters are so alive and interesting. Your series is wonderful. Thank you for writing such a wonderful series.

  10. Author

    I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series!

  11. I love these books. I read all nine of them within 2 weeks. Will there be more?

  12. Author

    Yes! Fire and Ice should be out this spring!

  13. Thank you for your books. I am the caregiver for my husband who has Parkinson’s disease. I know Kay is a character in a book but she is also an inspiration to me. She says things I think and does things I do so I appreciate your including a character like her.

  14. I just finished reading the last of your Kay Carrera stories and love them all and love the characters. The stories move along so easily and new characters are added that I like and the friends Kay has a great honor developing friendship with including the judge and other friends. I’m looking forward to your next book and hope you have more coming..

  15. I bought the first book and was hooked before the end of the first chapter! I’m now on The Last Supper and I’m getting anxiety withdrawals knowing there’s only one book left! So I looked up your website to see if there are plans for more books. I was so shocked to find out that you are Debra Dunbar! I have been reading your Imp series for awhile! Thank you for the many hours of literary entertainment (the best kind of entertainment you can find!!)! Keep ‘em coming, please, please, please!!!

  16. Love your books hoping to read more

  17. Love these books! Thank you for giving us characters who aren’t 20 somethings. It’s nice to read stories featuring mature adults dealing with difficult and somewhat heartbreaking life changes, all while continuing to meet life’s obligations. I enjoy the touches of humor as well. Looking forward to the next book!

  18. I have really enjoyed your books. This series is so fun read and try and guess what will happen next. I read a lot and this series has been one of the best. Hope you keep them going for a long time.

  19. I just discovered your absolutely wonderful Locust Point mystery series about 3 weeks ago …I feel so fortunate that I am only on book 5, and am now trying to limit reading the next 4! I love the characters in your stories, and hope that you will continue writing this series….it is the best!!

  20. Love the series. When will the next be out.

  21. Can you please tell me what town locust point is in? Thank you

  22. Author

    Hi Frances, this is Libby’s VA, Erin. 🙂 Locust Point (and all the other places in the series) are fictional towns. Where Crow Creek in Fire and Ice is in Colorado, Locust Point is in a non-specified state that she based on a mix of Maryland and Virginia.

  23. Have just read book #1 and will soon start book #2. These were recommended by a friend, who is a recent widow and a fellow cozy mystery fan. As a recent widow myself and my spouse’s caretaker for over 10 years I could really relate to the character and her issues with grief and recovery from grief.
    I was sorry to read that you have lost close family members in recent years.
    Thank you so much for writing such wonderful books. I have just bought #3 and #4 and look forward to all of the others.
    Best Regard,

  24. Author

    Hi Fay – I’m so glad you’re enjoying the books. Thank you so much for your comment. ~Libby

  25. Hi there, I have read all the Locusts Point books but cannot find Book 15 anywhere. I preordered it from Amazon but they cancelled it. What’s up?

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